
Abbreviation Name
ASHP Air source heat pump
BECCS Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage
BEIS Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
BEV Battery electric vehicle
CCC Climate Change Committee
CCS Carbon capture and storage
CDR Carbon dioxide removal
CHP Combined heat and power
DAC Direct air capture
Defra Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
EV Electric vehicle
GHG Greenhouse gas
GSHP Ground source heat pump
HEV Hybrid electric vehicle
HP Heat pump
ICE Internal combustion engine
LED Low energy demand
MRIO Multi-Regional Input Output model
NDCs Nationally Determined Contributions
NHM National Household Model
ONS Office for National Statistics
PHEV Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle
TEAM-UK Transport Energy Air pollution Model for the UK
TIMES The Integrated MARKAL-EFOM System
ULEV Ultra-low emission vehicle
WSHP Water source heat pump
ZEV Zero-emission vehicle